Sunday, November 1, 2009

Seats in Church

Doesn't it just infuriate you when some people in church act like they have the deed to certain seats. People of God we need to stop this very annoying habit. News flash! unless there is a sign that says "Reserved" on the seat then usually the seat is fair game. If you are so concerned about sitting in a particular spot then maybe the thing to do is to come early and claim your spot.

For God's sake though if you arrive in church and God forbid that someone else is sitting in "your" seat then please be Christian enough to sit somewhere else. It is very off putting and annoying to have someone come in way after church start and want you to move to somewhere else.

Now as I said before, if it is a special service and they forgot to put the reserve signs or did not get to put the sign before church started then that is different. As long as your name is not on the seat, then it is fair game and the early bird catches the worm. It is first come, first serve so if someone is already seated, especially if they are already worshipping then PLEASE, PLEASE sit elsewhere. If you have to sit at that seat, then have them place a reserve sign on the seat each Sunday just for you. Good luck with that though for I don't know any pastor who is going to agree to that.

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