Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Committment To God and Treatment in Marriage

The other day some friends of mine got into a heated argument on facebook because I believe that if you are truly committed to God then you CANNOT go home and treat your spouse badly. My thing is if a person who is truly a Child of God there is no room in there to be treating your spouse badly. Now I am not talking about minor disagreements, for those are bound to happen. I am talking about treating your spouse so badly that the person would rather not live with you.

Now I don't understand why a pastor or even a regular Christian (who is praying regularly and reading their bible) would not know how to treat their spouse? Even if you cannot read, as long as you know God, then your spouse should be happy to come home to you at the end of the day. It is not rocket science. If the members of your church are happier with you than your spouse is, then it is time to go back to the drawing board.

The bible tells us how we are to treat each other as husbands and wives. Those who do not know or are not sure should leave marriage alone until they know how. Our spouses should get the best treatment whether in public or private. A man or woman who is a committed Christian will make the best spouse there is. That is my story and I am sticking to it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Expat Librarian

Now I have been working as an expat worker since 2005. I started with Cayman, then went to Barbados, Bahamas and Dominica. In all of these places there is a recurring situation. Expats are not looked on kindly by the persons in the host countries. For some reason they think that we have come to their country to deprive them of a job that they qualify for. There is no compnay that would chose an expat over a native (if that native is qualified). It costs a whole lot for any company to employ an expat so it would serve them much better to hire locally.

So rest assured, that we have not come to deprive you of anything....we are just here to fill a need that the company has. Here is the thing! Find out what it is that the expat has that you do not have and work towards getting that...So the next time that person's contract is up for renewal instead of renewing that contract they can hire you. Believe me, that would sound like music to their ears if as a local you say to them I am now qualified for that position.

There is really no need to try every chance you to get to make us leave...the average expat has very thick skin so you being unkind to them will not make them pack up and leave...unless they really want to. So I propose a truce...a truce between expats and the members of the host country....To those of you who have made us feel welcome, a big thank you to you...but for the others who feel like we are public enemy number one....maybe it is time to lighten up....we don't mean any harm....SERIOUSLY!

For persons who would like to see the world or some of it at no cost...then being an expat worker might be a good thing. A good 5 - 10 year stint is what I would recommend but if you can only manage 2 years or 6 months like I did in one place (I won't mention the name) then that is fine too. It is really a great way to see what other workers are doing in different places. Sometimes there are quite a few things that you can learn to take back to your home country. At other times you might feel like you are in La-La- Land....At the end of the day it is all good and you come away from the experience usually a little wiser....